2012 Is Here! Are You? If You’re Still Recovering From New Years, Try these Tips To Look Radient


Oh yes, another  year has come and gone. 2012 is finally here! Did you party too much last night? Did you have a little too much to drink? I’m sure some of you had one heck of a blast during New Year’s eve and you’re still trying to recuperate. If your face is screaming “I partied too much and it shows,”   try these 3 things to help you look like your spunky awesome usual self

1) Primp and Curl…Primp and Curl your eyelashes. Big curl eyelashes = Im awake eyes.
Joylani’s personal tip:  try blowdrying your eye lash curler for a couple of seconds before curling and becareful ..it can get H-O-T


2) Anyone who knows me knows that I never leave the house with out BLUSH. Make sure to add some blush on the apples of your cheeks. Adding some color to your skin will help with any post-drinking paleness.


And 3) Highlighters are a Must!!! Try dabbing a milk shake pearly colored  highlighter on your browbone, down your nose and across your forehead. Not only will this help you look more energized, but  this will help put back any radiance you may have lost in the wake of the big countdown.


So there you have it…my three awesome quick fixes. Hope this helps! Let’s start this year off with a good fashion and makeup bang. WOOHOO!!!

Miss Piggy For M.A.C…No way…

bargain, beauty, clothes, fashion, love, makeup, sale, slim, splurge, spring fashion, tips, trend, trends, Uncategorized, weightloss

Wowzer! This past November, Miss Piggy introduced her signature line to M.A.C…im effin serious! Her line includes mascara, false eyelashes and blush. I am totally all for it and think it’s rah rah awesome!

M.A.C has definitely added some popular celebrities on to their list, including Lady Gaga, Mary J. Blige,  and Fergie..and now, Miss. Piggy.Cheers to you, M.A.C. It wouldve been awesome if my icon, Gwen Stefani was into M.A.C  but she’s partnered up with L’oreal.

I give this look 5 stars. Why? You can definitely wear this look during day and night. To bring it to a “night” look, simply apply heavier eyeliner and wear a darker shade of lipstick.

kudos to you , Miss. Piggy.

Love it or hate it????...I LOVE IT!
