Hairstyle Trends For 2014

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What ever style your hair is , it definitely says ALOT about you. When you have a gorgeous hairstyle, not only will you have confidence and poise, but you feel marvelous and beautiful. In order to achieve that, you must pick a style that frames your face. Below are the hairstyles that I feel will fit anyone, whether you have a long face, wide face, square, or oblong shape. Here are my top choices of hair style trends for 2014:




If you don’t already have a hairstylist, do some research and find out about the salon and the hairdresser. Do some research by asking around, and read up on Yelp reviews. Find a hairdresser that will sit and consult with you on your hair, the cut you want, color and definitely ask questions. Bring a picture of the hair style that you want and see if it can be replicated. There’s nothing worst than going to the salon and spending hours and $$$ on hair that will make you look unflattering. Have fun and Good Luck!

2013 Top Hairstyles ..CHECK THIS OUT


Yes, it’s the new year and we’ve all made our New Year’s Resolution to either exercise, lose weight, get fit , save money, eat better, ….blah blah blah….
Well, have you dared to start off the New Year with “gittin yo hair did?”  That’s right ladies, let’s start this year fresh with a new ‘do’ and then work our way to fashion…shall we?!?


Jennifer Aniston always looks gorgeous. This type of hair style is not only easy to attain but it will look good for the next 3 months. It’s definitely doable for any type of face shape, whether you have a round face, square face, thin face, you will rock this hairstyle no matter what.

ImageAnother favorite hair do of mine is from Sarah Jessica Parker. She looks young, fresh, and vibrant. I call this the ulitmate sexy summer hair look. Hair is full of volume and beautiful curls. Again, any type of face shape will look good in this.

ImageDemi Moore is one hot m.i.l.f. The hair style looks kinda, boring (i wear my hair like this on most days) but make sure that you add volume to it. Other wise, your hair will look oily and dirty and no good. This looks good on any frame shape.

ImageThis is one hair style I’ve not tried yet. I will definitely do my hair like this the next time I get it cut. It’s so freakin 70s, and it looks pretty rad. Any face shape will look wonders with this do.


Ok, i am NOT a fan of this haircut. Only few women can pull this off. If you have high cheek bones, nice neck, no double chin,and a pretty chiseled facial structure, then maybe, just maybe you can pull it off. Halle Berry looks good in every hairstyle . If you do have a wide thick face (and I do) stay away from this hair .

Be bold and be a new you for the New Year. Get a new haircut. It makes all the difference.





Popular Hair: Whats in for April 2008

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Ok, so it’s good to be up to date on the trends and to be in the “now”. Of course, some people have to have the latest hair style, while others are just okay with being up to date on fashion.

As for me, I try to be updated on makeup, fashion, and the hair!

For April of 2008, below are the popular hairstyles I’ve pulled from


Top Ten Hair Myths You Should All Know

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1. Cutting your hair makes it stronger or grow faster.

Bull winkle. Its hair, not a lawn. Exactly where this myth started is unknown, but is probably related to the observation of men’s facial hair. There are different kinds of hair on your face and head. Hair on your head and facial hair have different properties. Cutting your hair will only make it shorter and hairs grows almost exactly half an inch per month, no matter what you do or take.

2. Split ends can be repaired.

Sorry Charlie, not true. Split ends cannot be repaired and should be cut off immediately or they will split yet higher and do yet more damage.

3. Brushing your hair is good for it.

To the contrary, brushing your hair is very bad for your hair and the leading contributor to split ends and hair breakage. By all means groom your hair, but once it is in place, STOP.

4. Tight hats cause baldness.

This one probably started in the military where young men entering the service were required to wear hats and soon showed signs of going bald, or at least of hair thinning. This is due to coincidental timing. The age that young men enter the military is also the same age that male pattern hair loss begins. This is due to dihydrotestosterone, not hats. Hats do cause hair breakage and to a lessor degree to split ends.

5. Hair can turn gray or white over night.

What utter nonsense. This one was born in literature. What part of “fiction” did they not understand? Hair receives its color genetically and can only turn gray or white over very long periods of time. Actually the hair doesn’t turn white in as much as the hair loses color, but not over night, or even a wild weekend.

6. Pluck one gray hair and two grow back.

Folks, if this were true I would be pulling my hair out by the fist full. I need more hair and can always color the gray hair.

7. Baldness is inherited from the mothers side of the family.

More Hair Voodoo. Male and female pattern hair loss can be inherited from either side of the family and may or may not skip many generations. Male pattern hair loss usually begins at age 18 to 20 and female patter hair loss between ages 45 and 55.

8. Dandruff is caused by dry scalp.

Dandruff and dry scalp are two entirely different things. A good shampoo and conditioner will take care of the dry scalp, which is ‘flaking’. Dandruff shampoos are entirely unnecessary and inadvisable for dry scalp.

Dandruff is a serious health issue and requires medical attention and prescribed medication. The ‘flakes’ are actually oily, not dry. Very few people have actual dandruff and you would know it if you did.

9. Dandruff is contagious.

No. You already have the micro organism that causes dandruff, yours just aren’t as active. On the other hand, there are plenty of nasty things you can get from someone else’s comb or brush, so be careful.

10. Cutting your hair during a full moon makes it grow in healthier, fuller, faster or longer.

Give me a break. I am not even going to dignify this one with an explanation. Hey, if they buy into this type of earth muffin drivel, by all means, let them mark the dates on their calendar.

What Hair Style Looks Good On Me Part 2

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So, I was thinking, some of you may be on here searching to find the perfect hair style, hair cut, whatever.

and I figured “I should put more info to help you guys out.”

I took this from Hair and thought it was really really helpful

My problem is I have a round charlie brown face…ugh I hate it!!!

but what can i do? I gotta deal with it.

Hairstyles For Round Faces

drewbarry.jpgkellyosborn.jpgRoundFace1A250.jpg (4199 bytes)

There really is no “one perfect hairstyle” for a round shaped face. Many things factor into the total equation. The length of your hair, the texture, your age and lifestyle requirements all play a part in the best style which should be keyed towards you.

There are good general guidelines that you can follow but the best solution is to find a style that works best for you and all your beauty needs.

If your face is definitely round according to the above criteria, the best hairstyles generally include:

1. Layered rather than straight or heavy bangs.

2. Short styles which provide instant height at the crown.

3. Styles that add length under the chin towards the top of the shoulders such as shags.

4. Styles that keep the sides of your hair short or closer to the face.

5. Curls around the crown, but never near the cheeks, to create height. Keep the sides of your hair short with a curly style.

6. Long to very long styles with bangs and a graduated shag or layers so that the face and the neck are given a slenderizing shape.

Styles to Avoid if You have a Round Face

Medium length styles are not a wise choice for round faces; to elongate the face, the hair should continue past the chin or stop above the cheeks. Avoid these other style blunders if you wish to slim a round face:

  • Chunky, heavy bangs only add weight to a round face.
  • Curls next to the cheeks emphasize the roundness.
  • Blunt ends near the cheeks add width to the face shape.
  • Bobs are not recommended because they frequently emphasize cheeks.